Ranunculus & Anemones

Do you remember these gorgeous beauties from last spring? I cannot wait for anemone and ranunculus season this spring. They were the most beautiful flowers I have ever grown!  Not only that, but it isn't abnormal for these flowers to last 10+ days in a vase. Did you know they start from these little, dry corms below? We just got ours started in preparation for spring. Follow along!

We start the process by soaking the corms in water for 4ish hours. They plump up and look like the above picture. Then they are placed in soil in a cool, dark  location (around 50-55 degrees). We check on them intermittently for the next 2-3 weeks making sure they are moist but not molding. During this time roots form, which helps give the flowers a head start and hopefully the extra effort we put in will set these blooms up for success!

After they form their roots, we put the corms under grow lights to get them a head start. When they are greened up we plant them outside under cover giving them a nice head start on the season. A lot of leg work for just one flower, but I think it is worth it because they are so beautiful and last 10 + days in a vase!